Ever since I was a kid I can remember being fascinated by photographs. Especially photos of things I was interested in like Sports and Wildlife. I spent hours cutting photos out of Sports Illustrated magazines, rearranging them and pasting them in the old scrapbooks they had back in the 70's. If you are old enough you probably remember them, large spiral bound books with faux leather covers and sticky cardboard pages covered with plastic.
I can remember bending the page corners of our family's set of Encyclopedias' in order to mark the pages where my favorite photos where just so I could go back and find them faster. I also remember my Mom asking me to stop doing it because I bent the edges of so many pages that she could barely close the books and fit them on the shelves.
As an adult I started taking pictures just like everyone else, on family vacations with a small disposable camera, then an early model digital camera that wasn't much bigger. Pretty soon I started walking around with a "Bridge Camera" which is a fancy name for a digital camera that looks like a DSLR camera but is not as complex. At some point during that time I fell in love with taking pictures just for the sake of taking pictures and now 2 years later, I carry a camera bag with a DSLR camera, 4 different lenses and a detachable flash almost every day because I'm worried that if I leave my camera home just once I might miss the perfect shot!
This blog is the result of my longtime passion for images and an appreciation of creativity and personal expression that sparked in me long ago. Encouragement from friends and family has inspired me to share my thoughts and images with anyone who will take the time to read and look. I'm having a great time learning more about Photography and more about myself each day. I'm also learning to slow down and see more of the world's beauty around me that's just waiting to be discovered.